Representative of the all-American home popularized during the first two decades of the 20th century, the design was economical and easy to build because of its simple plan. The 2-2 ½ story block-like style is topped by a low pitched hip roof with a central dormer. The front porch extends half or full width of the house with windows arranged in a symmetrical pattern.
Simple and symmetrical
Block-like proportions
Wide porches
2 story
Shallow slope hip, 5:12-7:12
Porch and dormer roofs echo main roofform
Wide overhangs, 18”-24”
Open or enclosed soffits
Full-height narrow horizontal beveledsiding or 1st floor beveled siding and2nd floor stucco finish divided by ahigh trim band
Brick commonly used at porch base
Simple trim and moulding profiles
Deep trim band below eave
Broad columns
Half or full width
Half-height walls or simply detailed rail-ings
Elevated with lattice screen or stonebase
Windows and Doors
Single or grouped double-hung
Window in small central corner
Partial-lite entry door with sidelite